DGD2 Questionnaire: The Ultimate Gaming Survey

Part 1: About You


Answer the following questions about yourself.

Year of birth:


Geographical Territory:

Other (please specify)

I typically play computer or videogames

I would consider myself

I prefer the following way of playing games:

My attitude to videogame stories is:

Name three games that exemplify what you enjoy about games (these don't have to be videogames - any game you enjoy counts):

I live with, and/or like living with:

If you know your Myers-Briggs Type, please select it here:

We will be conducting case studies to follow up this survey. If you are willing to be used as a case study, please:
- leave a check in the checkbox below
- ensure your correct email address is given so that you can be contacted.

All your survey details will be used only for the purpose of this research, and will not be passed to third parties under any circumstances.

I am interested in being considered for use in a case study relating to this survey:

Email address :

Part 2: Games You Enjoy


Read through the list of games or ways of playing games provided. If you play these kinds of games (even if not the specific games mentioned) or play in this way, please select the answer that best describes your degree of enjoyment of these games.

If you don't play games of that type, select 'I don't play this way ever'.

Do you play complex games such as the Civilisation series (or other strategy games), Final Fantasy series (or other computer role-playing games), or turn based games such as Disgaea?

Do you play sandbox games such as the The Sims series and other life sims? Or sandbox modes in games like Theme Park World or Rollercoaster Tycoon and other simulations?

Do you play world-based games such as the Grand Theft Auto series or Oblivion?

If you do play world-based games, do you play these games just to mess around in the world (ignoring any stated goals)?

Do you play competitive games such as the Quake series (or other First or Third Person Shooters), or the Street Fighter series (or other fighting games), or do you play other kinds of games (such as racing, strategy etc.) in an obviously competitive manner?

Do you enjoy random elements in games, such as collecting random treasure in the Diablo series (and other similar games) or the random furniture in the Animal Crossing series (and other similar games), or do you enjoy playing games that are "different every time" as a result of random elements?

Do you enjoy slot machines, Poker, online Poker, blackjack, roulette or other gambling games?

Do you enjoy cosmetic elements in games, such as richly detailed game worlds, customisable content, or being able to dress up your character?

Do you enjoy role-playing in character, that is, when deciding what to do, deciding what the character would do, not what you would do?

Is it especially important to you that the game is realistic, as with games such as Gran Turismo or the EA Sports series of games?

Do you enjoy vertigo or high speed in games, such as the Burnout and Need for Speed series (or other high speed racers), or the SSX and 1080 series (or other snowboard games)?

Do you have to play through games as quickly as possible, with speed being a very important part of the play?

Do you enjoy doing things in games that you would normally never do in real life, such as beating up or killing game characters, destroying buildings or otherwise causing carnage?

Part 3: Your Emotions While Playing


Read through the descriptions of the following emotions. Do you recognise these descriptions in your own experiences of playing games?

When answering, focus on the emotions that result from playing the games, not on any incidental feelings you may have while playing.

Select the answer that best describes your experiences of emotions in games.

Do you ever find yourself in a state of tense excitement, perhaps sat on the edge of your seat while playing a game?

Do you ever feel frustrated, angry or furious with games you are playing?

Do you ever feel sad or depressed while playing games?

Do you ever experience a surprise (something that makes you jump), or feelings of fear or suspense while playing games?

Do you ever have feelings of disgust or repulsion at something in a game?

Do you ever have feelings of contempt for game characters or other players in a game?

Do you ever find yourself laughing, or simply amused, while playing games?

Do you ever find yourself feeling satisfied or content when playing a game - that everything is as it should be?

Do you ever find yourself feeling relieved, or as if a weight has been lifted from you, during a game you are playing?

Do you ever find yourself completely amazed at something you've seen or experienced in a game?

Do you ever find yourself experiencing utter joy and bliss while playing a game?

Do you ever find yourself experiencing an intense feeling of triumph in a game, such that you want to stand up and put your hands in the air?

Do you ever feel guilty or shameful about something you are doing in a game?

Do you ever feel touched by something that happens in a game, such that you are moved to tears (but are not sad), or feel a tingling warmness in your chest?

Do you ever feel thankful towards a game character or another player when you are playing games?

When playing with other players, do you ever take pleasure in their misfortunes (perhaps even in being the cause of their misfortune)?

When you teach someone else to play a game, do you ever feel pride when you see them do well?

Do you ever find yourself feeling embarrassed when you are playing games?

Do you ever find yourself feeling envious of other players in a game, or feel that you want something that you don't have in a game but know you could have?

Do you ever find yourself feeling curious about something in a game, and investigating some small detail or unusual occurrence?

Do you ever feel a sense of belonging to something within a game (such as a guild in an MMORPG)?

Do you ever feel yourself compelled to acquire everything that you can possibly find, or to repeatedly pursue actions because you know you can make big gains by doing so?

Part 4: Your Gaming Skills


Read through the descriptions of the following gaming skills, and then select the answer that best describes your abilities.

How good are you at understanding how a game works without reading a manual or asking someone for help?

How good are you at moving around in 3D worlds using either a mouse and keyboard together, or using two sticks at once on a console (whichever method you know best)?

How determined are you to complete goals that have been set for you - will you attempt the same task over and over again until you complete it?

How good are you at managing the supplies or resources (such as ammunition or money) in a game?

How good are you at anticipating and discovering risks or dangers?

How good are you at throwing yourself into the thick of a situation and then working out how to get out of it as you go?

How good are you at using special abilities or vehicles, or anything else with unique controls, in a game?

How good are you at negotiating virtual landscapes, or positioning yourself favourably with respect to foes?

How good are you at solving puzzles that you find in games, or thinking around problems?

How good are you at finding the best way to do something in a game, or an optimal approach to a particular problem?

How good are you at making game decisions that involve many different factors?

How good are you at empathising with the problems of game characters?

How good are you at working with other players co-operatively?

When playing with other players, if there is a dispute over something (rules of a board game, division of treasure in an MMORPG for instance) how good are you at sorting it out?